It's time to start preparing for next month's readathons! Here is a list of readathons happening in March, with further information about challenges/themes.
Be sure to check back here in case this post is updated with more/new readathons!
For the complete readathon calendar for 2018, visit this page.

The Irish Readathon focuses on reading books with Irish authors, stories, publishers, etc. readathon aims to encourage people to read books written by Irish authors and celebrate the brilliant literary past and present of the country.
1-31 March
A book by an Irish author published in the last 10 years
An Irish classic (or modern classic)
A book by a female Irish author
A book based or focused on an event in Irish history

Munches in March is a month-long readathon where you attempt to complete at least one 'bingo' row using the challenges on a bingo card.
1-31 March
Spaghetti - a possible 5-star rating
French fries - a book in a genre you always enjoy
Hot chocolate - will likely make you warm and fuzzy inside
Ice cream - concerning heartbreak
Candy - something sweet on the cover
Pizza Slice - next installment of a series you already started
Popcorn - thriller/suspense novel
Fish & Chips - mostly blue on the cover
Soup - about someone with an illness
Cake - hyped book
Nuts - situated in nature
Onion rings - likely to make you cry
Coffee/tea - book you read in 24 hours
Cupcake - book on your TBR with the most beautiful cover
Fresh fruit - colourful cover
Candied apple - fairytale ending

Empty Shelfie occurs every month and each round has a different set of reading challenges. They also host a monthly book club on Goodreads.
1-31 March
Challenges: TBA

Emojiathon is a month-long readathon with reading challenges based on different emojis. The goal is to complete as many challenges as possible - you can double/triple/quadruple/etc. up on challenges. There is an optional bingo card for the challenges, which can be found here.
1-31 March

The BookTube ReReadathon is a series of monthly readathons that occur every month. Each month there are different challenges that push you to reread various types of books.
1-31 March
Reread a nonfiction book
Reread an autobiography
Reread a memoir

March Mystery Madness is an annual readathon all about reading mystery novels. The reading challenges are prompts that are open to your own interpretation. You can decide what they mean and how they apply to the books you read. For some pointers on how you could interpret each challenge, take a look at co-creator Elizabeth's announcement video.
1-31 March

#Readathonbyzoe is a 24-hour readathon. There are no reading challenges or particular themes, however, Zoe has a personal goal to catch up on series if you are interested in doing the same.
3 March

Read-O-Rama is a series of week-long readathons that are held 3 times a year, with reading challenges.
3-9 March
Read 7 books
A book with R A M A in the title/author name
A book published in Spring
A new to you author
A borrowed book
Choose one host's pick:
- Tash Hearts Tolstory
- Obsessed
- Of Fire sand Stars
- Peter Pan

#becausedragonsRAT is a readathon for 'book dragons and fantasy lovers.' There are reading sprints and photo challenges, with the opportunity to win a prize.
5-11 March
A blue fantasy book
A fantasy book that takes place on, in, or underwater
A debut fantasy novel
A fantasy book that features war
A fantasy book with dragons

The #AYearAThon occurs once a month, and each round has its own theme and challenge. The theme determines what books you will read for the readathon, and the challenge is an optional prompt.
5-11 March
Theme: Retellings (of any kind)
Challenge: Marathon a series

Mangathon occurs multiple times a year, and focuses on reading manga!
12-18 March
Buddy read a manga
A manga that has adapted into an anime
A manga you've been recommended
A manga with a lopsided love triangle
A mange outside of your comfort zone

The ReReadathon2018 is entirely focused on rereading books. Each day there will be a giveaway held on YouTube, Instagram and a blog, meaning there are 21 giveaways in total.
18-24 March
Reread an old favourite
Reread a recent favourite
Reread a book to give it a second chance
Reread in preparation for a new release

The goal for the AllTheShortOnes Readathon is to read books that are roughly 300 pages or less.
18-31 March
A book by a new-to-you author
A graphic novel
a book with a one-word title
A book you’ve read before
A book that has been made into a movie
A non-fiction book
Read 7 books

Cosmo Readathon is run by the Cosmo Readers Book Club and has reading challenges.
19-25 March
Buddy read a book
A Book from your wishlist/immediate TBR pile
A book with special effects (visually, special layout, plot, experimental writing style/topics etc.)
Reread a book
A book the suits song lyrics

The Seasonal Series Readathons is all about reading and finishing series. It occurs every season and each round has 25 reading challenges (in the form of a bingo board) themed on that season. You can choose to do the challenges that align with the host's current season OR if, for example, you live in the Southern Hemisphere, you can do the opposite season's challenges.
20 March - 20 June
Spring Challenges:
Take a walk while listening to an audiobook
Read a book while drinking lemonade
The first book in a series
Try to unhaul a book you've lost interest in
A book that's been on your shelves way too long
Read with rain in the background (real or sound effects)
A book with pink on the cover
A book from a middle-grade series
A series with a new book coming out in 2018
A book of a series where the parents of the MC aren't dead
A book with character growth
A book while eating chocolate
Free Space: read any book of a series
A book where only the first book of a series is out
A book set in the real world
A book with spring colours on the cover
Finish a duology
Use a flower as a bookmark
A book with great friendship
The last book in a series
A book while sitting outside
A book that is (partly) set in spring
A book with green on the cover
A book that includes an animal
A book under 300 pages

Duodecathon is a series of week-long readathons that occur once a month. There are 12 challenges in total, and each round you can choose 1 of the 12 to complete so that by the end of the year, you have completed all 12 challenges.
22-28 March
Challenges: choose one of the following

The Four Seasons 24 Hour Readathons are a series of 4 readathons held once per season.
23 March
A book set (or mostly set) in that season.
A book about an event that takes place during that season.
A book with the season in the title.
A book that depicts the season on the cover.
A book with a character named after the season.
A book by an author named after the season.

Manga Madness Readathon is focused on reading manga. The aim is to complete reading challenges on a bingo card.
24-30 March
Challenges: TBA

The AuthorTube Readathon aims to celebrate and support AuthorTubers and their books.
24-30 March
A mystery book
A horror book
A myth-based book
A paranormal/urban fantasy
A book with bad guys
A sci-fi book
A book by an AuthorTuber

The Quarterly Oops-A-Thon is the perfect chance to read books you didn't get around to during the last quarter... perhaps you didn't finish every book you intended to read during another readathon, or if you entirely missed out on a readathon due to other commitments.
25-31 March
A mystery book
A horror book
A myth-based book
A paranormal/urban fantasy
A book with bad guys
A sci-fi book
A book by an AuthorTuber

The SuperheroAThon is a superhero-inspired readathon! The 10 challenges are optional.
25 March - 8 April
Iron Man – Read a book, that’s an oldie but a goodie (not released in 2017 or 2018)
Captain America – Read a book that represents your country
Captain Marvel – Read a new release that has grabbed your attention
Ant-Man – Read a tiny book that packs a punch (Short Story, Novella or Graphic Novel)
Hulk Smash! – Read an intimidating book on your TBR that you want to smash out
Black Panther – Read a book with a person of colour as the main character
Thor – Read a book set in a different world
Black Widow – Read a book with a kick ass female character
What Would Stan Lee Do? – Read A Marvel Comic
The Avengers – Read a book that has #SquadGoals

Unslump-A-Thon aims to get you (or keep you) out of a reading slump!
31 March - 7 April
A book under 200 pages
An old favourite or read a book from your favourite genre
A book while drinking your favourite warm drink
A graphic novel, manga or comic book
A middle-grade or children's book
A novella
An ebook or listen to an audio book