It's time to start preparing for next month's readathons! Here is a list of readathons happening in November, with further information about challenges/themes.
Be sure to check back here in case this post is updated with more/new readathons!
For the complete readathon calendar for 2018, visit this page.

Hallowreadathon is an annual readathon bringing together readers who want to spend their Halloween with their nose in a book.
31 October - 1 November
Read a book with a magic world
Read a book with green on the cover
Read two books

A Greek mythology-themed readathon.
1-30 November
* The books you select for the reading challenges don't need to have mythology in them. They just need to suit the prompt itself.
Zeus: Read a book at least 400 pages long
Hera: Read a book about royalty
Hebe: Read a Middle Grade or Young Adult book
Poseidon: Read a book which features the sea
Hermes: Read a book set in a country not your own
Aphrodite: Read a book with a beautiful cover
The Hydra: Read a book with more than one POV
Iris: >Read a book with your favourite colour on the cover or in the title
Ancient Greece: Read a book set in the past
Hestia: Read the first book in a series
Dionysus: Read a 2018 release
Achilles and Patroclus: Read a book with an LGBTQIAP+ protagonist
Homer: Read a retelling
Hephaestus: Read a book with a disabled character
Ares: Read a book with a compellin antagonist or a book written from the villain's POV
Echidna: Read a book about monsters
Herakles: Read a popular book (define 'popular' as you wish)
Gaia: Read a book which was published at least 5 years ago
Artemis: Read a book with an animal on the cover or in the title
Athena: Read a book that's not the first in the series
Persephone: Read a book which is less than 200 pages long
Apollo: Read a collection of poetry or short stories
Hades: Read a book that you got for free (borrowed, gifted, discounted, review copies etc.)
Demeter: Read a book with a nature word in the title


The aim of the #AtoZreadathon is to hit every letter of the alphabet using book titles OR author names. There are two levels of difficulty.
1-30 November
Normal Mode:
Choose to use either the entire author's last name OR the book title. Read enough books to make sure you've covered every letter of the alphabet.
Hard Mode:
Choose to use either the first letter of the author's last name OR the book title. Read one book for every letter of the alphabet.
* X is a free choice
* You can ignore definite/indefinite articles (the, a, an)
* If a title includes the series name, you can either pick the series name or the actual title (e.g. Binti: Home can be used for either B or H)
*If an author's name is hyphenated, you must pick the first surname
*If the author has multiple last names, pick whichever one is the most helpful

The aim of Read-a-thin is to read books you own in order to thin out your to read pile!
1-30 November
Reading challenges:
Read a book that’s been on your TBR for over a year
Read a book that was gifted to you or that you got in a subscription box
Read a book with a Fall colored cover (Brown, Red, Orange, Yellow, etc)
Read a book in a non-traditional format (eBook, Audiobook, graphic novel, manga, etc)
Read a book entirely in a cozy spot
Read the group book: Dress Codes For Small Towns by Courtney Stevens
Catch up on challenges/goals/lists

Remember November is for remembering and catching up on all of the reading challenges, goals and lists you hoped to tick off this year.
1-30 November
Theme: Catch up on challenges/goals/lists

This special 24-hour round is to celebrate Osamu Tezuka's 90th birthday.
10:00am 3 November - 9:59am 4 November (MST)
To find out what time it starts for you, click here.
Astro Boy: Read a book with a title featuring robots or machines
Kimba the White Lion: Read a book with a title that features animals or nature
Buddha: Read a book with a title with religious/historical elements
Princess Knight: Read a romance of adventure story
Phoenix: Read a short story or story featuring reincarnation/past lives
Black Jack: Read a book with medical themes OR a suspense title

The Borrowathon encourages you to borrow books.
4-11 November

The #AYearAThon occurs once a month, and each round has its own theme and challenge. The theme determines what books you will read for the readathon, and the challenge is an optional prompt.
5-11 November
Theme: NaNoWriMo winners
Challenge: Read the shortest book on your TBR

The annual HoHoHo Readathon is back for another round!
9-18 November
Theme: Read books with winter or holiday theme

Thanks-a-thon is a new readathon themed around Thanksgiving. Daily video challenges will be announced during the readathon, and there will be prizes!
10-15 November


Create Your Own Readathon is a monthly readathon where you do your own thing! Set your own challenges and goals.
17-18 November

Cover Love Readathon focuses on reading any cover buys you've made that still reside on your the shelves.
9am 17 November - 8.59am 18 November (MST)

The Christmas Spirit readathon is holiday-themed!
19 November - 2 December
Theme: Holiday

Duodecathon is a series of week-long readathons that occur once a month. There are 12 challenges in total, and each round you can choose 1 of the 12 to complete so that by the end of the year, you have completed all 12 challenges.
22-28 November
Challenges: choose one of the following
Read 1,200 pages
A second book in a series
A book about a villain/antihero
A book published the year you were born
A 2018 bestseller
An award-winning book
A book with multiple points of view
A book with antonyms in the title
A banned book
A book with a great first line
A "high school" book you haven't read
A book recommended by someone in the Duodecathon Goodreads group