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last updated 28 January 2020
Archived months & master list are saved here.
Archived months & master list are saved here.
- JUN -
1-7 | Buzzwordathon (name/title)
1-30 | Sci-Fi Summer Readathon (Seasons of Reading)
6-12 | Queer Lit Readathon
14-20 | #AYearAThon (re-read)
14-20 | Vault-A-Thon
- JUL -
1-7 | Buzzwordathon ("last")
1-31 | Summertime Reads Readathon (SeasonAThon)
1-31 | ThankfulAThon
9-11 | Off the Grid Readathon
12-18 | #AYearAThon (finish/catch up on series)
- AUG -
1-7 | Buzzwordathon (time of day)
1-31 | ARC August
1-31 | Draconathon
1-31 | High Summer Readathon (Seasons of Reading)
1-31 | Trope-ical Readathon
9-15 | #AYearAThon (link the books)
16-22 | Bout of Books
- SEP -
1-7 | Buzzwordathon ("dark")
13-19 | #AYearAThon (banned books)
13-19 | Vault-A-Thon
20-26 | Fall Into Reading Athon (SeasonAThon)
20 Sep - 20 Oct | Breath of the Wildathon
25-26 | Queer Lit Readathon (Weekend edition)
- OCT -
1-7 | Buzzwordathon (elements)
1-31 | FrightFall Readathon (Seasons of Reading)
1-31 | Gothic Readathon
1-31 | Gothtober
1-31 | Hocus Pocus Readathon
1-31 | Sbooktober
1-31 | Slayerfest
8-10 | Off the Grid Readathon
11-17 | #AYearAThon (horror/thriller/mystery)
26-31 | Hallowseveathon
- NOV -
1-7 | Buzzwordathon ("lost")
1-30 | Believathon
1-30 | Nonfiction November
1-30 | ThankfulAThon
1 Nov - 27 Dec (TBC) | Clear Ur Shit Readathon
8-14 | #AYearAThon (benchwarmers)
25 Nov - 6 Jan | Christmas Spirit Readathon (Seasons of Reading)
- DEC -
1-7 | Buzzwordathon (day/month/season)
1-25 | 25 Days of Manga
1-31 | Merry Bookmas (SeasonAThon)
5-11 | Queer Lit Readathon
13-19 | #AYearAThon (graphics novels/manga/short stories)
26-31 | End of Yearathon
OCT | Black-Oween-athon
JUL | Christmas in July Readathon (Seasons of Reading)
MAY | GenX Readathon
MAR | March of the Mammoths
MAY | MentalHealthathon
Read "eh" thon
Summer | The Reading Rush
FEB, AUG, NOV | Tome Topple
Touching My Shelf Readathon
OCT | Victober
FEB | Women in Horror Month