Hosted by Crazy for Books
“What is your favorite Halloween costume?
Even if you don’t celebrate, what kinds of costumes do you like?”
I don't really have a favourite costume, but I love the weird and funny ones!
I have only actually gone trick-or-treating once, and I went as a mermaid. I will not share any photos though. Firstly, because I don't have any on my computer. And secondly, the few there were are pretty embarrassing...
If I did go this year, I would like to wear this costume I bought for a dress-up themed formal I went to earlier on in the year, which was a mental patient. The shirt looks like a straight jacket! It is pretty awesome.
However, I let a friend borrow it so if anything pops up I will probably have to go with my baby costume, which looks similar to this:
I went to a dress-up party earlier in the year with this. We were separated into groups (our group was 'Big Baby') and we went on a scavenger hunt at our mall and around the suburbs. Was hilarious!
What about you? What costumes do you like?