Book Blogger Hop (6)

October 28, 2011

Book Blogger Hop
Hosted by Crazy for Books

“What is your favorite Halloween costume?
Even if you don’t celebrate, what kinds of costumes do you like?”

I don't really have a favourite costume, but I love the weird and funny ones!

I have only actually gone trick-or-treating once, and I went as a mermaid. I will not share any photos though. Firstly, because I don't have any on my computer. And secondly, the few there were are pretty embarrassing...

If I did go this year, I would like to wear this costume I bought for a dress-up themed formal I went to earlier on in the year, which was a mental patient. The shirt looks like a straight jacket! It is pretty awesome.

However, I let a friend borrow it so if anything pops up I will probably have to go with my baby costume, which looks similar to this:

I went to a dress-up party earlier in the year with this. We were separated into groups (our group was 'Big Baby') and we went on a scavenger hunt at our mall and around the suburbs. Was hilarious!

What about you? What costumes do you like?
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