#AYearAThon Update | Day #4

May 9, 2014

Day # 4

Currently reading: 
Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke
Beyond the Valley of Thorns by Patrick Carman

Books completed: 
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling
Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
Fallen in Love by Lauren Kate
Infinite by Jodi Meadows
Into the Mist by Patrick Carman

Pages read since last update: 291

Total pages read: 1695

Thoughts/Notes: I had fully intended on spending my afternoon reading and reading.... but I ended up falling asleep for half of it :( I still managed to finish another book, Into the Mist, though it is shorter and smaller in size than most of the others on my list. I felt like I needed to accomplish something today! I'm continuing on with another book from the Land of Elyon series, which I added to my TBR pile just before the read-a-thons began - because I TOTALLY needed more books stacked on the already towering pile... 
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