Where I Buy Books

April 18, 2014

Since posting my video about this topic a few months ago, I have been informed about so many more great options for where you can buy books! I wanted to continue on and share some more great book retailers with you, predominantly falling under the categories convenience and price. If you have not seen the original video, it will be located at the bottom of the post.

1. Quicksales - Books & Magazines Section

This site is great for finding those hidden gems that only come from shopping for books second-hand! Just take a scroll through the items being sold, you'll find some valuable collectables or antique tomes, tonnes of books being sold in bulk, and generally the books are super cheap. I came across someone selling 64 books for around $50, which is an incredible deal! Shipping is different per seller, but there are a lot that do not charge, or have reasonably low shipping costs.

I definitely recommend this as a platform for buying books. If you love vintage books on your shelf, there is a huge range of them - I personally think they have the most beautiful covers ;) Otherwise, definitely check out those categorised under Fiction, I've come across heaps of series being sold together!

2. Bookworld

I love being able to support the Australian book industry, and this is a recent find that I am hoping to utilise more often! They have free shipping on everything, so this site isn't restricted to Australian customers. The prices are generally a little below RRP, which is also a plus!

They have a pretty big range, though I know that some books aren't available (yet?). I am assuming that this is because they must only have been published in the U.S. so far, and not internationally.

3. Better World Books

If you are looking to support a good cause, when you buy a book here, you help contribute to literacy initiatives around the world. You can also donate books, and they have free shipping, too. They have new and used books, and some titles aren't directly available, though they do think to other sellers.

For more recommendations, take a look at my video!

The video is not sponsored in any way.
This blog post was sponsored by Quicksales. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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