I am participating in Top Ten Tuesday, hosted by The Broke and the Bookish! Each week, there is a specific topic for a top ten list.
This weeks topic is:
I chose: Top ten I am excited for in 2012
I missed this Top Ten Tuesday at the beginning of the year and would love to share my giddiness over some new releases this year. This Top Ten was not confined to books published in 2012, but I decided to pick ones that were.

I LOVED LOVED LOVED Divergent, the first book in the trilogy, and I cannot wait to get stuck into Insurgent! I am most anticipated for this book.

The sequel to Wither, and I am looking forward to seeing how this story continues. In the first book, the story was very closed off from the outside world so I am curious to see how much of that aspect is shown in this book.
I fell in love with Stephanie Perkins' writing in Anna and the French Kiss. Then I read Lola and the Boy Next Door and was completely blown away. I cannot wait to read this one!

This book looks incredible! I know I will thoroughly enjoy this book, most definitely.

I have not already got this book and I don't know why! I have heard nothing but amazing things about this book and it sounds incredible.

I loved Across the Universe so much. It was amazing. And I know this one will be just as great if not better. Plus the cover is beautiful! Just like AtU :)

I read Cat Patrick's other novel, Forgotten and really enjoyed it. I haven't heard much about this one, but I know it is another standalone book about a drug that can bring back the dead. How creepy and awesome does that sound!
Shatter Me was amazing and had an intriguing ending. I really want to read the sequel to see what happens next!

Another amazing sounding book. I really really REALLY want to get my hands on this book. It only happens over a period of 24 hours! Must have been tricky to do, so I am interested to see how it turned out.

This story sound AMAZING! I want to get my hands on this ASAP!
What books are you looking forward to reading this year? If you have already done this TTT, leave a link to your post in the comments :)