Hour: 5
Currently Reading: A Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin; from page 190
Thoughts on current book: I am loving it so far! I have always been a fan of stories in settings with kingdoms, knights, battles and treachery. The story can be quite heartbreaking at times and I am very curious to see how things pan out.
Pages read since last update: 60
Pages read in total: 60
Total time spent reading: 1 hours 40 mins
Blogs visited:
- not too many people have begun the Read-a-thon as of yet.
I know I get easily distracted, but my gosh, I never thought it was this bad. The font in this book is quite small, yes, but I was hoping I would have gotten through more pages than this by now. I can't help checking twitter and various games on my phone every so often... Contemplating turning my phone off.